
Living Courageously Part 1

Introduction: Challenges  are inevitable, but victory  in Christ Jesus is sure and  real – John 16:33 “..In this world you will have trouble (challenges). But take heart!(rest assure!) I have overcome (procured victory for you) the world.” ...

God has Interest in Healing you

God is interested about your health. He want you to leave healthy,and should in case, you are having any sickness in your life, he want to heal you. Why; “For I know the thoughts that I think toward you, says the LORD, thoughts of peace and not of evil, to give you a...

Greetings from your Church.

MERRY CHRISTMAS and A HAPPY NEW YEAR, from your church. Thanks be to God for His unspeakably grace,that has appeared to all men. We can not but appreciate Him, and especially for what He has done in our midst and your live as an individual last year. We are also...

I know the Answer! – Part 1

I know the Answer to what? You may asked. The Answer to the question of your life. The one in your mind right now. What do you mean by the questions in my life and the one in my mind? You, wonder. Yes! That challenge. The Answer to that sicknesses and diseases of your...

God Eternal Purpose Christianity

It will never do, to give way to human opinions. If God says a thing, you have to believe it. Know this, devil is a tricky idiot, he can, come through your Pastors, or some influential individual, even in the church you belong; not to believe what God is telling you....


You will never find Jesus missing an opportunity to do good, but to glorify The Father. Jesus is equal to every occasion. He is waiting for an opportunity to bless. He is ready for every opportunity to deliver souls. The obedient always obey God when He first speaks....

Praying in Spirit for Supernatural

In one of our bible study, we considered Praying in Spirit as one of the boosters of prayer, among other things. We particularly looked at this factor while considering the key of Prayer in command and manifesting supernatural. Though there were questions on this...

Supernatural Christians

Supernatural is real. The reality of supernatural is God’s eternal purpose for His children and especially the end-time Christians. There is no doubt we are in the reality of end time where there will be practical display of God and His Power in reality and raw that...