
It will never do, to give way to human opinions. If God says a thing, you have to believe it. Know this, devil is a tricky idiot, he can, come through your Pastors, or some influential individual, even in the church you belong; not to believe what God is telling you. But, I will want you to know, this is an era of supernatural that the world has never seen or heard about. Roman 3:4

Before I continue, let me assure you of this: God can never bless exaggeration. Psalm 120:2, John 8:44. Yes! He cannot. This is the reason, I have vowed to say it the way it is, and so He can keep doing what He promised.

On, May, 12th 2015, around 3pm, about to take my shower, after the preparation for the Bible Study, while meditating on some of the things God, personally told me, and especially, where the appearance and the shadow of people of God will be healing and delivering the sick, oppressed and those under the bondage of Satan. When the Spirit of God prompted, into my spirit, that God has started it already. It is because, you failed to share it, when it happened it was testified to you. Wow! I promised I will keep sharing it and for every teaching I am privilege and as the Holy Spirit instructed me, I will keep telling about His acts. Please follow me, as I am about to share with you His acts.

Toward the end of year 2014, I visited, a very close Pastor friend. I met him and the wife, walking out their guests, a pretty white lady and her husband. The Pastor, did a normal introduction and I gave the couple, handshake of love as a tradition. But, here is what happen; this white lady called Mellissa, gave her testimonies of what transpired that night when I later met her in presence of other brethren in same Pastor Apartment. According to her;

The night her husband and her met with me for first time, there was something that happen that night, when I shook hands with her. At that moment there was a power that came on her that destroyed the diabolical power that she had been subjected to through her husband. Very first time, she l realized, she had been put under satanic power to wreck her life of her finances and belongings. She said, that same night the husband challenge her and said, ‘eh Pastor Peter has rescued you. He had deliver you, I don’t want to see you around him’. Meanwhile, I was not aware, though I know I have been asking God for power, He promised. That at my appearance anywhere He should work through me by His Spirit, even without have to pray for anyone.

She continued that, on that night, this occultic man (her husband) took some voodoo and was making incantation against me, but at that moment, God was also, showing some things to me in the Spirit realm and the Holy Spirit prompted Proverb 26:27, into my spirit, which instantly, I voiced out. I never knew where this was going to, but was too sure His Words will not retuned void, but will prosper where it’s sent to. Isaiah 55:11. Please, listen to this, according to this wonderful daughter of Zion, she said while this man was engaging in his evil acts, to harm me she saw him, shouting; my head! my head! Peter has killed me!

His words works! The words is alive! The words active! The words is two edged sword! Hebrew 4:12

Well, I suppose the man should be in jail now. Hear this; this lady is a child of God, has heart for God and she is rich. I got to know this from the interaction and that we had later. But it is not enough to be a Christian, you have to consciously enroll, into the class of end time armies of God. The supernatural Christians. The people of power, to so forth the glory (power) of God. 1 Peter 2:9

Believe me, God, is about doing what ears have not heard nor the eyes seen, neither mind imagine it. 1 Corinthians 2:9. The so call wise shall be humbled. Because, God will use the base thing to confound the wise, both in the church and the world.

God told me this on December 12th 2014 and I believed it, no matter what any mortal man say. I am too persuaded it will come to pass. No matter what is going on now. Regardless of the present circumstance His word is Ye and Amen. I heard clearly, the Spirit of God said to me, “Christianity is God eternal purpose to raise, the people of supernatural, who will show forth His glory. This is hidden until now.”

Men! We are going to see Red sea divided. The dead are going to be literarily raise to life by the power of God at the command of His Word. Hebrew 1:3, is going to be in practical demonstration. Let me say this, among many things God told me, the laws of nation will be altered by the highest body involved, to forbid some abomination been gloriously celebrated now in the land. This will happen by the undeniable power of the most High. Remember He has chosen the foolish, the weak, and the base and despised, to confound and bring to nothing the mighty and the wise. 1 Corinthians 1:26-29.

It is not oration on the pulpit nor manipulation on the altar, it is going to be purely by the manifestation and demonstration of His power.

So, the invitation is out, join in this move of His power. Enrolled. Not just member of big church or your family or traditional church, but be part of His eternal purpose, wherever you are. At our appearance, the devil will flee, and every chain shall be broken. Not because, of any man’s work of righteousness, Ephesians 2:9. But because of Jesus righteousness procured for us by His blood that comes with His power the promised of the Father. Zachariah 4:6.