
I know the Answer to what? You may asked. The Answer to the question of your life. The one in your mind right now. What do you mean by the questions in my life and the one in my mind? You, wonder.

Yes! That challenge.

The Answer to that sicknesses and diseases of your life.

The Answer to that cancer or whatever medical name they told you it is.

The Answer to that unhealthy and unhappiness conditions.

The Answer to that addictions and that bad habits.

The Answer to that broken home or at the edge of breakage.

The Answer to that crisis and unrest in your life.

The Answer to the sleepless, loneliness

and suicidal attempt you are contemplating.

The Answer to that lack, poverty, joblessness, careers and business failure.

The Answer to the fear of tomorrow and unsatisfaction of your soul.

The Answer to that …, name them.

What is the Answer you may ask? The Answer is simply JESUS.

How and Why? By His Word and because;

..”He uphold all things by the word of His power…” Hebrew 1:3

He was in the beginning with God. All things were made through Him, and without Him was anything made that was made. In Him was life (abundance life), and the life was light of men and the light shine in darkness, and darkness did not comprehend it”. John 1:2-5

“Devil come to steal (joy and happiness and sound health and mind), to kill (dream, career and business) and to destroy (life), but Jesus come so that He can give you abundant life” John 10:10. He (Jesus) come for this purpose to destroy every work of devil. 1John 3:8

You can see, He came as an answer to that question. Therefore the only thing you need doing right now is to accept Jesus as your savior and Lord, then you will see things changing for your good

****Follow me on Part 2 of I know The Answer, to see how this work out, because it’s an equation we know the answer from the beginning.